In Charge Eating - Self-Study Program

If you’ve been judging your eating (and yourself), you’re here because it’s time to stop.


You can be trusted to make food choices.

You are the expert of your body.

You can find peace, ease and freedom with food.

When you believe all this, you can reclaim your time, energy and headspace.

And stop obsessing about what to eat.

You won’t need to white-knuckle your way through another day hoping you don’t ‘blow it’ once you’ve implemented In Charge Eating.

Designed to walk you through the exact framework for getting relief from out-of-control eating I teach my 1:1 clients, In Charge Eating will:

  • Help you understand what your drivers of out-of-control eating are;
  • Show you exactly how to implement the tools that will give you respite and relief from feeling out-of-control with food;
  • Support you to feel comfortable letting go of food guilt and your fears about your weight changing;  
  • Lay down the solid foundations so that turning the theory of Intuitive Eating into practice feels like a breeze;
  • Save you money, time and stress figuring out how to stop obsessing about food and your weight; and
  • Do it all with confidence, knowing you’ve got a Dietitian in your corner for six months who has worked with hundreds of women to help them find food freedom… 

In Charge Eating is currently enrolling.

Learn more and apply here

12 Modules

Modules for this product 12

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Payment Options

 One Time Payment
 $600.00 AUD
 2 Monthly Payments
 $300.00 AUD  ( then $300.00 AUD for 1 months )
 6 Monthly Payments
 $104.00 AUD  ( then $104.00 AUD for 5 months )
 8 Monthly Payments
 $78.00 AUD  ( then $78.00 AUD for 7 months )

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Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

I confirm that I am 18 years or over and not currently engaging in purging or compensatory behaviours associated with active anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

I acknowledge that this program is for personal use only and agree to not redistribute or reproduce part or all of the contents in any form.

I understand that this program is not 1:1 coaching or counselling and that Nina Mills or any other guides will not be able to provide me with individualised and specific nutrition advice or medical nutrition therapy and that what I get out of the program is dependent on what I put into it.

I acknowledge that In Charge Eating is not a weight loss program and is a shaming, judgement, numbers, weight and diet-talk-free zone. 

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